Advanced Attribution

(VIDEO) Web tracking explained - impact of ITP and how Server-side tracking can help

Take a look at “Web tracking explained – impact of ITP and how Server-side tracking can help”

About ITP and Server-side tracking – Do you know how ITP (intelligent tracking prevention) is exactly affecting your tracking data and hence your customer journey analytics? We’ll go over how event tracking actually works: Client-side and server-side tracking, and also how they are impacted by ITP. Which are the benefits of each of the tracking options? Find it out in this video.


0:00 – Intro

0:10 – What is client-side tracking?

1:20 – What makes client-side tracking unreliable?

1:55 – What is ITP exactly doing?

2:40 – What does this mean for our data analysis?

3:55 – How can server-side tracking help us?

You can also take a look at the IHC attribution introduction video and the results analysis and basic insights